Golfreisen: Kalifornien

Golden State

Von Fairways und Bad Guys.

San Diego - Kalifornien - USA

Kalifornien - USAGolden Gate Bridge - Kalifornien - USALos Angeles Kalifornien - USAMojave Wüste - Kalifornien - USAMan könnte von idealen Bedingungen für Golferinnen und Golfer sprechen. Als achtgrößte Wirtschaft weltweit wundert es nicht, dass es allein im Staat Kalifornien mehr Golfplätze gibt, als in ganz Deutschland. Viele davon sind nicht unbedingt einen Besuch wert, einige aber unbedingt. Nur wird man in Kalifornien nicht nur mit Golfplätzen verwöhnt. Allein der Besuch der interessantesten Städte überfordert jede normale Reisedauer.

Die größte Stadt Kaliforniens ist mit weitem Abstand Los Angeles, das auch die zweitgrößte Stadt der USA ist. Die Metropolregion um Los Angeles gehört mit 17,8 Millionen Einwohnern zu den größten der Erde.
San Francisco und San José, die beide Teil der San Francisco Bay Area sind, eines etwa 7,5 Millionen Menschen umfassenden Ballungsraumes um die Bucht von San Francisco, bieten von einer einzigartigen Kultur mit zahllosen Museen, Konzerthallen, Parks etc. alles, was urbanes Leben so bieten kann.
Und wer als sportbegeisterter Besucher Kalifornien bereist findet mehrere Top-Teams in allen typisch amerikanischen Sportarten. Hingehen und Spektakel erleben wie sonst nirgendwo.

Immer attraktiver wird mit ihren etwa 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern und etwa drei Millionen in der Agglomeration das in Südkalifornien gelegene San Diego. Sacramento, die Hauptstadt Kaliforniens, etwa 120 km im Landesinneren gelegen, hat zwar selbst nur knapp 500.000 Einwohner, im Ballungsraum leben aber etwa zwei Millionen Menschen.

Weitere wichtige Städte sind Oakland und Berkeley, beide in der San Francisco Bay Area gelegen, sowie Santa Barbara, Modesto, Fresno, Bakersfield und Stockton. Ebenfalls bedeutend sind Ventura, Anaheim, Long Beach, Irvine, Santa Ana, Riverside und San Bernardino, die sich alle im Großraum Los Angeles befinden.

Golden State

Den so wunderschön klingenden Beinamen: Golden State haben einige der Kalifornischen Indianerstämmer in nicht all zu guter Erinnerungen. Von den rund 150.000 Indianern um 1850 lebten nur knapp zwanzig Jahre später, also um 1870 nur noch rund 30.000. Ursache für diese schon nahe an Völkermord grenzende Vertreibung und Vernichtung, unter der wahrscheinlich die Yuki, ein Stamm der Hokan-Gruppe der Sioux-Sprachfamilie, der im Norden Kaliforniens am Sacramento River wohnte und seine Nachbarn, die Maidu und Pomo am meisten gelitten haben dürften, war Gold.

Ab etwa 1848 durchsuchten Hunderttausende von überall her die Erde nach dem Edelmetall. Das Tal des Sacramento Rivers war zum „goldenen“ Westen geworden und die USA zu einem wichtigen Exportland. Da konnte man nun keine Rücksicht nehmen auf Menschen, die ihr Land jahrtausende schon bewohnten. Die Regierung des Präsidenten James K. Polk erkannte die unrechtmäßigen Zustände an und die Indianer wurden im Anschluss daran systematisch verfolgt, vertrieben und getötet. Und unsere schönen Geschichten von den stolzen Sioux bekamen leider irgend wann im Laufe des Lebens einen bitteren Beigeschmack.

Kalifornien - USA
Kalifornien - USA

It never rains in Southern California

Legendär die Musik, der sogenannte Sound der Westküste, angefangen mit den Beach Boy, die seit 1961 in ihren Texten das Leben in Kalifornien besangen und einen Zeitgeist mitbestimmten. Weg von den 9 to 5 Jobs, von Family und Karriere raus an den Strand, zum Surfen,  zu den calofornia girls und den Silver Thunderbirds.

1995 setzten Brian Wilson und Van Dyke Parks mit ihrem gemeinsamen Album Orange Crate Art Kalifornien ein musikalisches Denkmal. 2008 folgte von Brian Wilson der Homage in dessen Konzeptalbum That Lucky Old Sun.

Aus der kalifornischen San Francisco Bay Area kamen Thrash Metal-Bands wie Metallica, Slayer oder Exodus. In Los Angeles wurden die Rockgruppe The Doors sowie die Crossover-Bands Red Hot Chili Peppers und Linkin Park gegründet und alles das wäre nicht passiert unter einer anderen Sonne, in einem Binnenland, ohne weitläufige Traumstrände.

Kalifornien - USAUSA - FloridaUSA - Florida- Sanibel IslandKalifornien - USADie schönsten Strände in Kalifornien von Santa Barbara bis San Diego

Kalifornien bietet eine Unzahl schöner und interessanter Strände. Da das Wasser vor der Küste Kaliforniens nördlich von Santa Barbara wegen kalter Meeresströmungen zu kalt ist, beginnt unsere Aufzählung in Santa Barbara mit seinem schön gelegenen East Beach. Im Norden die Santa Ynez Mountains, im Süden der Stearns Wharf mit seinen eleganten Menschen und schnittigen Yachten. Durchschnittlich 300 Sonnentage machen Santa Barbara zu einem Hot Spot für Beach Boys and Girls.

Zuma Beach
Highway 101 Malibu, jetzt stark aufgepasst und am Pacific Coast Highway jeden leeren Parkplatz. Handtuch, Badesachen und Zeit mitnehmen und den Tag am Strand verbringen; very laid back.

Geoffrey’s Mailbu
Another Highlight am Pacific Coast Highway. Bei Geoffrey’s Malibu gibt es sogar Valet Parking, und dann ab zu den   Strandschönheiten und Six Packers mit Cocktail- und  Bussiparade.

Venice Beach
Hier buhlen Muskelmänner um die Aufmerksamkeit sportgestählter Strandnixen, Aussteiger genießen das Leben am Strand, und man braucht schon Durchhaltevermögen, um hinter dem Trubel an der Promenade noch zum eigentlichen Strand zu gelangen.

Manhattan Beach
Hochglanz-Atmosphäre vom perfekten Leben. Aber trotzdem einer der stilvollsten Strände in Südkalifornien mit seinen von Bougainvillea überwucherten Zäunen, den perfekt gegroomten Kindern, die am Strand spielen, und den hübschen Cottages am Hügel hinter dem Strand.

Huntington Beach
Surfin‘ USA.  Die Stadt gilt als eines der Zentren des Surfsports. Der Ausblick auf den offenen Ozean wird ein klein wenig beeinträchtigt durch Bohrinseln vor der Küste; aber wen stört das schon?

Laguna Beach
Natürlicher geht es zu in Laguna Beach. Einer der schönsten Strandabschnitte in diesem Ort ist der Heisler Park mit seinen von üppigen, farbenprächtigen Bougainvilleen gesäumten Wegen und den markigen Felsvorsprüngen, die ins Meer hinaus reichen.

La Jolla
In La Jolla lebt man, wenn man zum wohlhabenden Teil der Einwohnerschaft von San Diego zählt. Gut auch für Menschen, die gerne in Meereshöhlen sich aufhalten, in  Gezeitenpools nach Seesternen Ausschau halten oder auf den Klippen herumklettern, die an die Innenstadt grenzen.

Coronado Beach in San Diego
San Diego besitzt eine ganze Reihe schöner Strände, einen, den man auf keinen Fall versäumen sollte, ist der Coronado Beach mit seinem Strandhotel, dem Hotel Del Coronado. Der viktorianische Charme, den dieses Fünf-Sterne-Hotel ausstrahlt, verleiht auch dem vorgelagerten Pazifikstrand einen ganz besonderen Reiz. Anstelle von Bohtürmen wie in Huntington Beach überfliegen hier regelmäßig Militärflugzeuge den Strand. Ergreifend, wenn sie bei ihrem Anflug auf die nahegelegene Militärbasis nochmal das Gaspedal durchtreten; wer’s mag ist beeindruckt.

Wer weitere Informationen zu Kalifornien oder zu den Golfplätzen dort hat, schickt sie bitte zu uns. Am besten gleich hier per E-Mail an OnGolf.

Filter nach Kategorie

Allein Pebble Beach Resort bietet fünf Golf Courses:
Pebble Beach Golf Links – Spyglass Hill Golf Cpurse – The Links at Spanish Bay – Del Monte Golf Course – Peter Hay Golf Course.

Na, jetzt ein wenig Lust bekommen? Dann ab nach Kalifornien. In der unten stehenden Tabelle finden Sie alle Golfclubs im Bundesstatt Kalifornien, so sie entweder eine E-Mail-Adresse oder eine Webseite haben. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie, wenn Sie auf einen Golfclub klicken. Viel Spaß und schönes Spiel im „Golden State“.


Postleitzahl Ort GolfclubPlaying Reise
90004 Los Angeles Wilshire Country Club
90024 Los Angeles Los Angeles Country Club
90027 Los Angeles Roosevelt Municipal Golf Course
90039 Los Angeles Los Feliz Municipal Golf Course
90045 Los Angeles Westchester Golf Course
90047 Los Angeles Maggie Hathaway Golf Course
90047 Los Angeles Chester Washington Golf Course
90049 Los Angeles Brentwood Country Club of Los Angeles
90049 Los Angeles Mountain Gate Country Club
90064 Los Angeles Rancho Park Golf Course
90064 Los Angeles Hillcrest Country Club
90077 Los Angeles Bel-Air Country Club
90241 Downey Rio Hondo Golf Club
90242 Downey Los Amigos Country Club
90245 El Segundo Lakes at El Segundo
90265 Malibu Malibu Golf Club
90266 Manhattan Beach Manhattan Beach Golf Course
90272 Pacific Palisades Riviera Country Club
90274 Palos Verdes Estates Palos Verdes Golf Club
90274 Rolling Hills Estates Rolling Hills Country Club
90275 Rancho Palos Verdes The Links at Terranea
90275 Rancho Palos Verdes Trump National Golf Course
90275 Rancho Palos Verdes Los Verdes Golf Course
90280 South Gate South Gate Municipal Par-3 Golf Course
90291 Venice Penmar Golf Course
90601 Whittier California Country Club
90604 Whittier Candlewood Country Club
90605 Whittier Friendly Hills Country Club
90621 Buena Park Los Coyotes Country Club
90630 Cypress Navy Golf Course
90631 La Habra Heights Hacienda Golf Club
90631 La Habra Westridge Golf Club
90638 La Mirada La Mirada Golf Course
90640 Montebello Montebello Country Club
90660 Pico Rivera Pico Rivera Municipal Golf Course
90703 Cerritos Cerritos Iron-Wood Nine
90704 Avalon The Catalina Island Golf Course
90712 Lakewood Lakewood Country Club & Tennis Center
90740 Seal Beach Leisure World Seal Beach Golf Course
90740 Seal Beach Old Ranch Country Club
90744 Wilmington Harbor Park Golf Course
90745 Carson Dominguez Hills Golf Course
90746 Carson The Links at Victoria Park
90804 Long Beach Recreation Park Golf Course 18
90804 Long Beach Recreation Park Golf Course 9
90807 Long Beach Virginia Country Club
90808 Long Beach Heartwell Golf Course
90808 Long Beach Skylinks at Long Beach Golf Course
90815 Long Beach El Dorado Park Golf Club
91001 Altadena Altadena Golf Course
91006 Arcadia Arcadia Golf Course
91006 Arcadia Santa Anita Golf Course
91011 La Canada La Canada Flintridge Country Club
91040 Sunland Angeles National Golf Club
91042 Tujunga Verdugo Hills Golf Course
91103 Pasadena Brookside Golf Club
91105 Pasadena Annandale Golf Club
91107 Pasadena Eaton Canyon Golf Course
91206 Glendale Scholl Canyon Golf Course
91206 Glendale Chevy Chase Country Club
91208 Glendale Oakmont Country Club
91301 Agoura Hills Lindero Country Club
91302 Calabasas Calabasas Golf & Country Club
91326 Northridge Porter Valley Country Club
91331 Pacoima Hansen Dam Golf Course
91344 Granada Hills Knollwood Country Club
91355 Valencia Valencia Country Club
91355 Valencia Vista Valencia Golf Course
91356 Tarzana Braemar Country Club
91356 Tarzana El Caballero Country Club
91360 Thousand Oaks Sunset Hills Country Club
91361 Westlake Village Westlake Golf Course
91361 Thousand Oaks Los Robles Greens Golf Course
91361 Thousand Oaks Sherwood Country Club
91361 Westlake Village Sherwood Lake Club
91362 Westlake Village North Ranch Country Club
91364 Woodland Hills Woodland Hills Country Club
91381 Valencia TPC at Valencia
91387 Canyon Country Robinson Ranch Golf Club
91406 Van Nuys Van Nuys Golf Course
91406 Van Nuys Woodley Lakes Golf Course
91436 Encino Sepulveda Golf Course
91501 Burbank DeBell Golf Course
91505 Burbank Lakeside Golf Club
91604 Studio City Weddington Golf and Tennis
91702 Azusa Azusa Greens Golf Course
91708 Chino El Prado Golf Course
91709 Chino Hills Vellano Country Club
91709 Chino Hills Western Hills Golf & Country Club
91709 Chino Hills Los Serranos Golf & Country Club
91711 Claremont Claremont Golf Course
91730 Rancho Cucamonga Empire Lakes Golf Course
91730 Rancho Cucamonga Red Hill Country Club
91740 Glendora Glenoaks Golf Course and Learning Center
91741 Glendora Glendora Country Club
91744 City of Industry Industry Hills at Pacific Palms Conference Resort
91750 La Verne Marshall Canyon Golf Course
91750 La Verne Sierra La Verne Country Club
91752 Mira Loma Goose Creek Golf Club
91754 Monterey Park Monterey Park Golf Course
91765 Diamond Bar Diamond Bar Golf Club
91768 Pomona Mountain Meadows Golf Course
91770 Rosemead Whittier Narrows Golf Course
91773 San Dimas Via Verde Country Club
91773 San Dimas San Dimas Canyon Golf Course
91776 San Gabriel San Gabriel Country Club
91784 Upland Upland Hills Country Club
91789 Walnut Los Angeles Royal Vista Golf Course
91791 West Covina South Hills Country Club
91801 Alhambra Alhambra Golf Course
91902 Bonita Bonita Golf Club
91902 Bonita Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course
91911 Chula Vista San Diego Country Club
91914 Chula Vista Salt Creek Golf Course
91915 Chula Vista EastLake Country Club
91935 Jamul Steele Canyon Golf Club
91942 La Mesa Sun Valley Fairways
91950 National City National City Golf Course
92003 Bonsall San Luis Rey Downs Golf Resort
92004 Borrego Springs Road Runner Golf & Country Club
92004 Borrego Springs Borrego Springs Resort & Country Club
92004 Borrego Springs Springs at Borrego Golf Course
92004 Borrego Springs De Anza Desert Country Club
92004 Borrego Springs Montesoro Golf and Social Club
92008 Carlsbad The Crossings at Carlsbad
92009 Carlsbad La Costa Resort & Spa
92010 Carlsbad Rancho Carlsbad Golf Club
92011 Carlsbad Four Seasons Resort Aviara Golf Club
92019 El Cajon Cottonwood Golf Club
92019 El Cajon Sycuan Resort
92024 Encinitas Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority
92025 Escondido The Vineyard at Escondido
92026 Escondido Escondido Country Club
92026 Escondido Reidy Creek Golf Course
92026 Escondido Welk Resort -San Diego
92026 Escondido Castle Creek Country Club
92026 Escondido Meadow Lake Golf Club
92027 Escondido Eagle Crest Golf Club
92028 Fallbrook Pala Mesa Resort
92028 Fallbrook Fallbrook Golf Club
92028 Fallbrook Rancho Monserate Country Club and Homeowners Association
92028 Fallbrook The Golf Club of California
92037 La Jolla Torrey Pines Golf Course
92037 La Jolla La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club
92037 La Jolla La Jolla Country Club
92040 Lakeside Barona Creek Golf Club
92054 Oceanside Center City Golf Course
92055 Camp Pendleton Marine Memorial Golf Course
92056 Oceanside Ocean Hills Country Club
92056 Oceanside El Camino Country Club
92057 Oceanside Arrowood Golf Course
92057 Oceanside Emerald Isle Golf
92058 Oceanside Oceanside Golf Course
92061 Pauma Valley Pauma Valley Country Club
92064 Poway Maderas Golf Club
92064 Poway StoneRidge Country Club
92065 Ramona San Vicente Inn & Golf Club
92065 Ramona Mt. Woodson Golf Club
92067 Rancho Sante Fe Fairbanks Ranch Country Club
92067 Rancho Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club
92067 Rancho Santa Fe Del Mar Country Club
92067 Rancho Santa Fe The Farms Golf Club
92069 San Marcos Twin Oaks Golf Course
92071 Santee Carlton Oaks Country Club
92075 Solana Beach Lomas Santa Fe Country Club
92075 Solana Beach Lomas Santa Fe Executive Golf Course
92078 San Marcos Lake San Marcos Country Club- North Course
92078 San Marcos Lake San Marcos Country Club- South Course
92081 Vista Shadowridge Country Club
92082 Valley Center Woods Valley Golf Club
92082 Valley Center Skyline Ranch Country Club
92084 Vista Vista Valley Country Club
92091 Rancho Santa Fe Morgan Run Resort & Club
92091 Rancho Santa Fe The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe
92102 San Diego Balboa Park Golf Course
92106 San Diego Sail Ho Golf Club
92108 San Diego Riverwalk Golf Club
92109 San Diego Mission Bay Golf Resort
92110 San Diego Presidio Hills Golf Course
92111 San Diego Tecolote Canyon Golf Course
92118 Coronado Coronado Municipal Golf Course
92119 San Diego Mission Trails Golf Course
92120 San Diego Admiral Baker Golf Course
92123 San Diego 3 Par at Four Points
92127 San Diego The Santaluz Club
92127 San Diego The Crosby Club
92128 San Diego Rancho Bernardo Inn Resort
92128 San Diego Bernardo Heights Country Club
92128 San Diego Carmel Mountain Ranch Country Club
92128 San Diego Oaks North Golf Club
92128 San Diego The Country Club of Rancho Bernardo
92129 San Diego Doubletree Golf Resort
92130 San Diego The Grand Golf Club
92135 San Diego Sea & Air Golf Course
92201 Indio Plantation Golf Club
92201 Indio Heritage Palms Golf Club
92201 Indio Indian Palms Country Club & Resort
92201 Indio Indian Springs Golf Club
92201 Indio Outdoor Resort Indio
92203 Indio Indio Golf Course
92203 Bermuda Dunes Bermuda Dunes Country Club
92203 Indio Shadow Hills Golf Club
92203 Indio Eagle Falls Golf Club
92203 Indio The Golf Club at Terra Lago
92210 Indian Wells The Reserve Club
92210 Indian Wells The Vintage Club
92210 Indian Wells Toscana Country Club
92210 Indian Wells Indian Wells Country Club
92210 Indian Wells Indian Wells Golf Resort
92210 Indian Wells Desert Horizons Country Club
92210 Indian Wells Eldorado Country Club
92211 Palm Desert The Lakes Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Palm Desert Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Palm Desert Resort Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Palm Valley Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Avondale Golf Club
92211 Palm Desert Indian Ridge Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Woodhaven Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Shadow Ridge Golf Resort
92211 Palm Desert Classic Club
92211 Palm Desert Desert Falls Country Club
92211 Palm Desert Mountain Vista Golf Course at Sun City Palm Desert
92211 Palm Desert Oasis Country Club
92220 Banning Sun Lakes Country Club
92220 Banning Sun Lakes Country Club Executive
92223 Beaumont Oak Valley Golf Club
92223 Beaumont East Valley Golf Club
92225 Blythe Blythe Municipal Golf Club
92227 Brawley Del Rio Country Club
92234 Cathedral City Cathedral Canyon Golf & Tennis Club
92234 Cathedral City Cimarron Golf Resort
92234 Cathedral City Date Palm Country Club
92234 Cathedral City Desert Princess Country Club & Resort
92234 Cathedral City Outdoor Resorts/Palm Springs
92240 Desert Hot Springs Hidden Springs Country Club
92240 Desert Hot Springs Sands RV and Golf Resort
92240 Desert Hot Springs Mission Lakes Country Club
92240 Desert Hot Springs Desert Dunes Golf Club
92241 Desert Hot Springs Caliente Springs Golf Resort
92243 El Centro Rio Bend Golf and RV Resort
92243 El Centro Desert Trails Golf Course and Resort
92250 Holtville Barbara Worth Country Club
92253 La Quinta The Hideaway Golf Club
92253 La Quinta Palm Royale Country Club
92253 La Quinta The Madison Club
92253 La Quinta The Palms Golf Club
92253 La Quinta The Quarry at LaQuinta
92253 La Quinta PGA West Private Golf Courses
92253 La Quinta Tradition Golf Club
92253 La Quinta Greg Norman Course
92253 La Quinta Rancho La Quinta Golf Course
92253 La Quinta Andalusia Country Club
92253 La Quinta La Quinta Country Club
92253 La Quinta La Quinta Golf Course-Citrus
92253 La Quinta La Quinta Resort & Club
92253 La Quinta SilverRock Resort Golf Club
92253 La Quinta Mountain View Country Club
92253 La Quinta The Golf Club at La Quinta
92260 Palm Desert Palm Desert Greens Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Portola Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Ironwood Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Bighorn Golf Club
92260 Palm Desert Chaparral Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Shadow Mountain Golf Club
92260 Palm Desert Marrakesh Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Monterey Country Club
92260 Palm Desert Stone Eagle Golf Club
92260 Palm Desert Desert Springs Golf Club
92260 Palm Desert Desert Willow Golf Resort
92260 Palm Desert The First Tee Coachella Valley
92262 Palm Springs Escena Golf Club
92262 Palm Springs O’Donnell Golf Club
92264 Palm Springs Indian Canyons Golf Resort – North Course
92264 Palm Springs Indian Canyons Golf Resort- South Course
92264 Palm Springs Seven Lakes Country Club
92264 Palm Springs Mesquite Golf Club
92264 Palm Springs Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort
92270 Rancho Mirage The Springs Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage The Westin Mission Hills Resort
92270 Rancho Mirage Thunderbird Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Rancho Las Palmas Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Rancho Mirage Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Mission Hills Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Mission Hills Golf Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Desert Island Golf & Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Sunrise Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage Tamarisk Country Club
92270 Rancho Mirage The Club at Morningside
92276 Thousand Palms The Club at Shenandoah Springs
92277 Twentynine Palms Roadrunner Dunes Golf Course
92278 Twentynine Palms Desert Winds Golf Course
92307 Apple Valley Apple Valley Country Club
92308 Apple Valley Ashwood Golf Course
92315 Big Bear Lake Big Bear Mountain Ski & Golf Resort
92320 Calimesa Calimesa Country Club
92324 Colton Colton Golf Club
92328 Death Valley Furnace Creek Ranch
92336 Fontana Sierra Lakes Golf Club
92342 Helendale Silver Lakes Association
92345 Hesperia Hesperia Golf & Country Club
92352 Lake Arrowhead Lake Arrowhead Country Club
92363 Needles Rivers Edge Golf Course
92364 Nipton Primm Valley Golf Club
92373 Redlands Redlands Country Club
92377 Rialto El Rancho Verde Golf Course
92394 Victorville Westwinds Golf Course
92395 Victorville Green Tree Golf Course
92395 Victorville Spring Valley Lake Country Club
92399 Yucaipa Yucaipa Valley Golf Club
92404 San Bernardino Arrowhead Country Club
92405 San Bernardino Shandin Hills Golf Club
92408 San Bernardino San Bernardino Golf Club
92503 Riverside Van Buren Golf Ctr.
92506 Riverside Victoria Club
92506 Riverside Canyon Crest Country Club
92509 Riverside Paradise Knolls Golf Club
92509 Riverside Indian Hills Golf Club
92509 Riverside Jurupa Hills Country Club
92509 Riverside Oak Quarry Golf Club
92518 Riverside General Old Golf Course
92530 Lake Elsinore The Links at Summerly
92543 Hemet Seven Hills Golf Course
92543 Hemet Diamond Valley Golf Club
92545 Hemet Hemet Golf Club
92545 Hemet Hemet West Mobile Estates
92545 Hemet Colonial Country Club
92555 Moreno Valley Moreno Valley Ranch Golf Club
92562 Murrieta Bear Creek Golf & Country Club
92562 Murrieta California Oaks Golf Course
92563 Murrieta SCGA Golf Course
92583 San Jacinto The Country Club at Soboba Springs
92584 Menifee Menifee Lakes Country Club
92586 Sun City California Golf and Art Country Club
92586 Sun City North Golf Course, Inc.
92587 Canyon Lake Canyon Lake Country Club
92590 Temecula CrossCreek Golf Club
92591 Temecula Temeku Hills Golf & Country Club
92592 Temecula Redhawk Golf Club
92592 Temecula Journey at Pechanga
92592 Temecula Temecula Creek Inn
92603 Irvine Shady Canyon Golf Club
92612 Irvine Rancho San Joaquin Golf Club
92612 Irvine Strawberry Farms Golf Club
92618 Irvine Oak Creek Golf Club
92626 Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Country Club
92626 Costa Mesa Mesa Verde Country Club
92629 Monarch Beach Monarch Beach Golf Links
92630 Lake Forest Lake Forest Golf & Practice Center
92648 Huntington Beach SeaCliff Country Club
92649 Huntington Beach Meadowlark Golf Club
92651 Laguna Beach Aliso Creek Inn
92656 Aliso Viejo Aliso Viejo Golf Club
92657 Newport Coast Pelican Hill Golf Club
92660 Newport Beach The Newport Beach Country Club
92660 Newport Beach Hyatt Newport Back Bay Golf Course
92660 Newport Beach Big Canyon Country Club
92660 Newport Beach Newport Beach Golf Course
92672 San Clemente San Clemente Municipal Golf Club
92672 San Clemente Shorecliffs Golf Club
92673 San Clemente Bella Collina Towne & Golf Club
92673 San Clemente Talega Golf Club
92675 San Juan Capistrano San Juan Hills Golf Club
92675 San Juan Capistrano Marbella Golf & Country Club
92677 Laguna Niguel El Niguel Country Club
92679 Coto de Caza Coto De Caza Golf Course
92679 Dove Canyon Dove Canyon Country Club
92688 Rancho Santa Margarita Tijeras Creek Golf Club
92691 Mission Viejo Mission Viejo Country Club
92692 Mission Viejo Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club
92692 Mission Viejo Casta Del Sol Golf Club
92703 Santa Ana Willowick Municipal Golf Course
92706 Santa Ana River View Golf Course
92707 Santa Ana Santa Ana Country Club
92708 Fountain Valley Mile Square Golf Course
92708 Fountain Valley David L. Baker Memorial Golf Course
92782 Tustin Tustin Ranch Golf Club
92801 Anaheim Dad Miller Golf Course
92807 Anaheim Anaheim Hills Golf Course
92821 Brea Birch Hills Golf Course
92821 Brea Brea Creek Golf Course
92835 Fullerton Fullerton Golf Club
92835 Fullerton Coyote Hills Golf Course
92860 Norco Hidden Valley Golf Club
92870 Placentia Alta Vista Country Club
92879 Corona Cresta Verde Golf Club
92880 Corona Green River Golf Course
92883 Corona Golf Club at Glen Ivy
92883 Corona Champions Club at The Retreat
92883 Corona Dos Lagos Golf Club
92883 Corona Eagle Glen Golf Club
92886 Yorba Linda Black Gold Golf Club
92886 Yorba Linda Yorba Linda Country Club
93001 Ventura Olivas Links
93003 Ventura Buenaventura Golf Course
93004 Ventura Saticoy Regional Golf Course
93010 Camarillo Spanish Hills Golf & Country Club
93010 Camarillo Sterling Hills Golf Club
93012 Camarillo Camarillo Springs Golf Course
93015 Fillmore Elkins Ranch Golf Course
93021 Moorpark Tierra Rejada Golf Club
93021 Moorpark Rustic Canyon Golf Course
93021 Moorpark Moorpark Country Club
93023 Ojai Soule Park Golf Course
93023 Ojai Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
93036 Oxnard River Ridge Golf Club
93043 Port Hueneme SeaBee (CBC) Golf Course of Port Hueneme
93060 Santa Paula Mountain View Golf Course
93063 Simi Valley Lost Canyons Golf Club
93063 Simi Valley Simi Hills Golf Club
93065 Simi Valley Wood Ranch Golf Club
93065 Simi Valley Sinaloa Golf Course
93066 Somis Saticoy Country Club
93105 Santa Barbara Rancho San Marcos Golf Course
93105 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Golf Club
93108 Santa Barbara Valley Club of Montecito
93108 Santa Barbara Birnam Wood Golf Club
93108 Santa Barbara Montecito Country Club
93110 Santa Barbara Hidden Oaks Golf Course
93110 Santa Barbara La Cumbre Country Club
93117 Goleta Glen Annie Golf Club
93117 Goleta Twin Lakes Golf Course
93117 Santa Barbara Sandpiper Golf Club
93117 Goleta Ocean Meadows Golf Course
93203 Arvin Sycamore Canyon Golf Club
93215 Delano Delano Golf Course
93222 Pine Mountain Club Pine Mountain Club
93238 Kernville Kern Valley Golf & Country Club
93245 Lemoore Lemoore Municipal Golf Course
93257 Porterville Porterville Golf Course
93257 Porterville River Island Country Club
93268 Taft Buena Vista Golf Course
93277 Visalia Valley Oaks Golf Course
93280 Wasco Valley Rose Golf Course
93286 Woodlake Hanks Woodlake Ranch Golf
93291 Visalia Visalia Country Club
93306 Bakersfield Bakersfield Country Club
93306 Bakersfield Rio Bravo Country Club
93306 Bakersfield Kern River Golf Course
93308 Bakersfield North Kern Golf Course
93309 Bakersfield Stockdale Country Club
93309 Bakersfield Sundale Country Club
93311 Bakersfield Seven Oaks Country Club
93312 Bakersfield The Links at RiverLakes Ranch
93401 San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Country Club
93402 Los Osos Sea Pines Golf Resort
93405 San Luis Obispo Laguna Lake Golf Course
93405 San Luis Obispo Dairy Creek Golf Course
93420 Arroyo Grande Cypress Ridge Golf Club
93422 Atascadero Chalk Mountain Golf Course
93424 Avila Beach Avila Beach Golf Resort
93428 Cambria San Simeon Pines Resort
93433 Grover Beach Pismo State Beach Golf Course
93436 Lompoc Village Country Club
93436 Lompoc La Purisima Golf Course
93437 Vandenberg AFB Marshallia Ranch Golf Course Vandenberg AFB
93442 Morro Bay Morro Bay Golf Course
93444 Nipomo BlackLake Resort Golf Course
93444 Nipomo Monarch Dunes Golf Club
93446 Paso Robles The Links at Vista Del Hombre
93446 Paso Robles Paso Robles Golf Club
93446 Paso Robles Hunter Ranch Golf Course
93446 Paso Robles River Oaks Golf Course
93455 Santa Maria Rancho Maria Golf Club
93455 Santa Maria Santa Maria Country Club
93463 Solvang River Course at The Alisal
93463 Solvang The Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort
93505 California City Tierra Del Sol Golf Club
93514 Bishop Bishop Country Club
93532 Lake Hughes Lake Elizabeth Golf & Ranch Club
93535 Lancaster Rancho Sierra Golf Club
93535 Lancaster Lancaster Golf Center
93544 Llano Crystalaire Country Club
93545 Lone Pine Mt. Whitney Golf Club
93546 Mammoth Lakes Sierra Star Golf Club
93546 Mammoth Lakes Snowcreek Resort Golf Course
93550 Palmdale Desert Aire Golf Club
93551 Palmdale Antelope Valley Country Club
93551 Palmdale Rancho Vista Golf Course
93561 Tehachapi Horse Thief Country Club
93601 Ahwahnee River Creek Golf Course
93601 Ahwahnee Sierra Meadows Country Club
93610 Chowchilla Pheasant Run Golf Course
93614 Coarsegold Yosemite Lakes Park Golf Course
93618 Dinuba Ridge Creek Golf Course
93626 Friant Brighton Crest Country Club
93631 Kingsburg Kings River Golf & Country Club
93636 Madera Riverbend Golf Club
93637 Madera Madera Golf Course
93638 Madera Madera Golf & Country Club
93657 Sanger Sherwood Forest Golf Club
93711 Fresno Fig Garden Golf Club
93711 Fresno San Joaquin Country Club
93720 Fresno River Park Golf Center
93722 Fresno Riverside Golf Course
93727 Fresno Airways Golf Course
93727 Fresno Belmont Country Club
93727 Fresno Sunnyside Country Club
93730 Fresno Fort Washington Golf & Country Club
93730 Fresno Copper River Country Club
93905 Salinas Twin Creeks Golf Course
93905 Salinas Salinas Fairways Golf Course
93906 Salinas Salinas Golf & Country Club
93908 Salinas Corral De Tierra Country Club
93923 Carmel The Preserve Golf Club
93923 Carmel Quail Lodge Golf Club
93923 Carmel Rancho Canada Golf Club
93923 Carmel Carmel Valley Ranch Golf Club
93923 Carmel Tehama Golf Club
93940 Monterey Pasadera Golf & Country Club
93940 Monterey Laguna Seca Golf Ranch
93940 Monterey Del Monte Golf Course
93950 Pacific Grove Pacific Grove Golf Course
93953 Pebble Beach The Links at Spanish Bay
93953 Pebble Beach Pebble Beach Golf Links
93953 Pebble Beach Poppy Hills Golf Course
93953 Pebble Beach Spyglass Hill Golf Course
93953 Pebble Beach Monterey Peninsula Country Club
94010 Hillsborough Burlingame Country Club
94010 Burlingame Crystal Springs Golf Course
94015 Daly City The Olympic Club
94015 Daly City Lake Merced Golf Club
94019 Half Moon Bay Half Moon Bay Golf Links
94024 Los Altos Los Altos Golf & Country Club
94025 Menlo Park Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club
94030 Millbrae Green Hills Country Club
94035 Mountain View Golf Club Moffett Field
94043 Mountain View Shoreline Golf Links
94044 Pacifica Sharp Park Golf Course
94062 Redwood City Emerald Hills Golf Course
94080 South San Francisco California Golf Club of San Francisco
94085 Sunnyvale Sunnyvale Golf Course
94086 Sunnyvale Sunken Gardens Municipal Golf Course
94121 San Francisco Golden Gate Golf Course
94121 San Francisco Lincoln Park Golf Course
94129 San Francisco Presidio Golf Course
94132 San Francisco Harding Park Municipal Golf Course
94134 San Francisco Gleneagles International Golf Course
94303 Palo Alto Palo Alto Golf Course
94304 Palo Alto Palo Alto Hills Golf & Country Club
94305 Stanford Stanford University Golf Course
94401 San Mateo Poplar Creek Golf Course
94403 San Mateo Peninsula Golf & Country Club
94404 Foster City Mariners Point Golf Links
94502 Alameda Chuck Corica Golf Complex
94503 American Canyon Chardonnay Golf Club
94503 American Canyon Eagle Vines Vineyards & Golf Club
94505 Discovery Bay Discovery Bay Country Club
94506 Danville Blackhawk Country Club
94507 Alamo Round Hill Country Club
94511 Bethel Island Bethel Island Golf Course
94513 Brentwood Brentwood Golf Club
94513 Brentwood Shadow Lakes Golf Club
94513 Brentwood Deer Ridge Golf Club
94515 Calistoga Mount Saint Helena Golf Course
94517 Clayton Oakhurst Country Club
94520 Concord Buchanan Fields Golf Course
94520 Concord Diablo Creek Golf Course
94523 Pleasant Hill Grayson Woods Golf Course
94523 Pleasant Hill Contra Costa Country Club
94526 Danville Crow Canyon Country Club
94528 Diablo Diablo Country Club
94530 El Cerrito Mira Vista Golf & Country Club
94531 Antioch Roddy Ranch Golf Club
94531 Antioch Lone Tree Golf Course
94533 Fairfield Paradise Valley Golf Course
94534 Fairfield Green Valley Country Club
94534 Fairfield Rancho Solano Golf Course
94539 Fremont Fremont Park Golf Course
94541 Hayward Skywest Golf Course
94542 Hayward TPC Stonebrae
94544 Hayward Mission Hills of Hayward Golf Course
94547 Hercules Franklin Canyon Golf Course
94550 Livermore Poppy Ridge Golf Course
94550 Livermore The Course at Wente Vineyards
94551 Livermore Las Positas Golf Course
94551 Livermore Springtown Golf Course
94556 Moraga Moraga Country Club
94558 Napa Silverado Country Club & Resort
94558 Napa Napa Golf Course
94558 Napa Napa Valley Country Club
94559 Napa Vineyard Knolls Golf Club
94563 Orinda Orinda Country Club
94565 Pittsburg Delta View Golf Club
94566 Pleasanton Pleasanton Golf Center
94566 Pleasanton Ruby Hill Golf Club
94566 Pleasanton Callippe Preserve Golf Course
94566 Pleasanton Castlewood Country Club
94567 Pope Valley Aetna Springs Golf Course
94568 Dublin Dublin Ranch Golf Course
94571 Rio Vista The Golf Club at Rio Vista
94574 Saint Helena Meadowood Napa Valley
94577 San Leandro Monarch Bay Golf Club
94582 San Ramon Canyon Lakes Country Club
94582 San Ramon The Bridges Golf Club at Gale Ranch
94583 San Ramon San Ramon Golf Club
94586 Sunol Sunol Valley Golf Courses
94591 Vallejo Hiddenbrooke Golf Club
94591 Vallejo Blue Rock Springs Golf Club
94592 Vallejo Mare Island Golf Club
94595 Walnut Creek Rossmoor Golf Course
94598 Walnut Creek Boundary Oak Golf Course
94598 Walnut Creek Diablo Hills Golf Course
94599 Yountville Vintner’s Golf Club
94605 Oakland Lake Chabot Golf Course
94605 Oakland Sequoyah Country Club
94618 Oakland Claremont Country Club
94708 Berkeley Tilden Park Golf Course
94806 Richmond Richmond Country Club
94901 San Rafael Peacock Gap Golf Club
94903 San Rafael McInnis Park Golf Center
94923 Bodega Bay New Links at Bodega Harbour
94928 Rohnert Park Foxtail Golf Club
94930 Fairfax Meadow Club
94931 Cotati Washoe Creek Golf Course
94941 Mill Valley Mill Valley Golf Course
94945 Novato Stonetree Golf Club
94947 Novato Indian Valley Golf Club
94949 Novato Marin Country Club
94952 Petaluma Petaluma Golf & Country Club
94954 Petaluma Adobe Creek Golf Club
94954 Petaluma Rooster Run Golf Club
94963 San Geronimo San Geronimo Golf Course
95003 Aptos Seascape Golf Club
95006 Boulder Creek Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club
95014 Cupertino Blackberry Farm Golf Course
95014 Cupertino Deep Cliff Golf Course
95020 Gilroy Gavilian Golf Course
95020 Gilroy Gilroy Golf Course
95020 Gilroy Eagle Ridge Golf Club
95023 Hollister Ridgemark Golf & Country Club
95023 Hollister San Juan Oaks Golf Club
95032 Los Gatos La Rinconada Country Club
95035 Milpitas Spring Valley Golf Club
95035 Milpitas Summitpointe Golf Club
95037 Morgan Hill Coyote Creek Golf Club
95046 San Martin Cordevalle Golf Club
95050 Santa Clara Pruneridge Golf Club
95054 Santa Clara Santa Clara Golf & Tennis Club
95060 Santa Cruz Pasatiempo Golf Club
95065 Santa Cruz De Laveaga Golf Course
95066 Scotts Valley Valley Gardens Golf Course
95070 Saratoga Saratoga Country Club
95076 Royal Oaks Pajaro Valley Golf Club
95076 Watsonville Spring Hills Golf Course
95116 San Jose Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course
95119 San Jose Santa Teresa Golf Club
95120 San Jose Almaden Golf & Country Club
95121 San Jose Los Lagos Golf Course
95123 San Jose Golf Club at Boulder Ridge
95127 San Jose San Jose Country Club
95131 San Jose San Jose Municipal Golf Course
95135 San Jose Villages Golf & Country Club
95138 San Jose The Ranch Golf Club
95138 San Jose Silver Creek Valley Country Club
95141 San Jose Cinnabar Hills Golf Club
95203 Stockton Lyons Golf Course
95204 Stockton Stockton Golf & Country Club
95205 Stockton Oakmoore Golf Course
95206 Stockton Van Buskirk Municipal Golf Course
95207 Stockton Swenson Park Golf Club
95209 Stockton Elkhorn Country Club
95219 Stockton The Reserve at Spanos Park
95219 Stockton Brookside Country Club
95222 Angels Camp Greenhorn Creek Golf Resort
95223 Arnold Sequoia Woods Country Club
95223 Arnold Meadowmont Golf Course
95228 Copperopolis Saddle Creek Golf Club
95240 Lodi Lockeford Springs Golf Course
95240 Lodi Micke Grove Golf Links
95247 Murphys Forest Meadows Golf Course
95252 Valley Springs Trinitas Golf Club
95252 Valley Springs La Contenta Golf Club
95258 Woodbridge Woodbridge Golf & Country Club
95301 Atwater Rancho del Rey Golf Club
95304 Banta Old River Golf Course
95321 Groveland Pine Mountain Lake Country Club
95322 Santa Nella Fore Bay Golf Course
95329 La Grange Lake Don Pedro Golf & Country Club
95336 Manteca French Camp RV Park and Golf Course
95337 Manteca Manteca Park Golf Course
95340 Merced Merced Golf & Country Club
95351 Modesto Dryden Park Golf Course
95356 Modesto Del Rio Country Club
95358 Modesto St. Stanislaus Golf Course
95361 Oakdale Oakdale Golf & Country Club
95363 Patterson Diablo Grande Golf & Country Club
95366 Ripon Jack Tone Golf
95366 Ripon Spring Creek Golf & Country Club
95370 Sonora Phoenix Lake Golf Course
95370 Sonora Mountain Springs Golf Club
95374 Stevinson Stevinson Ranch Golf Club
95377 Tracy Tracy Golf & Country Club
95380 Turlock Turlock Golf & Country Club
95383 Twain Harte Twain Harte Golf Club
95401 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Golf & Country Club
95403 Santa Rosa Fountaingrove Golf & Athletic Club
95403 Santa Rosa Wikiup Golf Course
95403 Santa Rosa Mayacama Golf Club
95404 Santa Rosa Fairgrounds Golf Course
95405 Santa Rosa Bennett Valley Golf Course
95409 Santa Rosa Oakmont Golf Club East
95409 Santa Rosa Oakmont Golf Club West
95426 Loch Lomond Adam Springs Golf Course
95448 Healdsburg Healdsburg Golf Club
95451 Kelseyville Riviera Hills Golf & Country Club
95451 Kelseyville Buckingham Golf & Country Club
95456 Little River Little River Inn Golf & Tennis
95462 Monte Rio Northwood Golf Club
95467 Hidden Valley Lake Hidden Valley Lake Golf & Country Club
95476 Sonoma Sonoma Golf Club
95482 Ukiah Ukiah Municipal Golf Course
95490 Willits Brooktrails Golf Course
95492 Windsor Windsor Golf Club
95497 Sea Ranch The Sea Ranch Golf Links
95503 Eureka Eureka Golf Course
95519 McKinleyville Beau Pre Golf Club
95521 Arcata Baywood Golf & Country Club
95531 Crescent City Del Norte Golf Club
95542 Garberville Benbow Valley Resort Country Club
95573 Willow Creek Willow Creek Golf & Country Club
95602 Auburn The Ridge Golf Club
95602 Auburn Auburn Valley Golf Club
95602 Auburn Lake of the Pines Country Club
95602 Auburn Darkhorse Golf Club
95603 Auburn Raspberry Hills Golf Course
95606 Brooks Yocha-De-He Golf Club
95608 Carmichael Ancil Hoffman Golf Course
95614 Cool Auburn Lake Trails Golf Course
95616 Davis Davis Municipal Golf Course
95618 Davis Wildhorse Golf Course
95618 El Macero El Macero Country Club
95624 Elk Grove Emerald Lakes Golf Course
95626 Elverta Cherry Island Golf Course
95628 Fair Oaks North Ridge Country Club
95630 Folsom Empire Ranch Golf Club
95632 Galt Dry Creek Ranch Golf Course
95640 Ione Castle Oaks Golf Club
95648 Lincoln Turkey Creek Golf Club
95648 Lincoln Lincoln Hills Club
95648 Lincoln Catta Verdera Country Club at Twelve Bridges
95650 Loomis Indian Creek Country Club, Inc.
95655 Mather Mather Golf Course
95659 Nicolaus Rio La Paz Golf Club
95666 Pioneer Mace Meadow Golf Club
95667 Placerville Cold Springs Golf & Country Club
95672 Rescue Bass Lake Golf Course
95677 Rocklin Sunset Whitney Country Club
95678 Roseville Sierra View Country Club
95678 Roseville Diamond Oaks Municipal Golf Course
95682 Cameron Park Cameron Park Country Club
95683 Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Country Club
95687 Vacaville Green Tree Golf Club
95687 Vacaville Cypress Lakes Golf Course
95695 Woodland Wild Wings Golf Club
95695 Woodland Yolo Fliers Club
95709 Camino Apple Mountain Golf Resort
95709 Camino Camino Heights Golf Course
95722 Meadow Vista Winchester Country Club
95746 Granite Bay Granite Bay Golf Club
95746 Granite Bay Rolling Greens Golf Course
95747 Roseville Timber Creek Golf Course at Sun City Roseville
95747 Roseville Woodcreek Golf Club
95747 Roseville Morgan Creek Golf & Country Club
95758 Elk Grove Valley Hi Country Club
95762 El Dorado Hills Serrano Country Club
95765 Rocklin Whitney Oaks Golf Club
95821 Sacramento Haggin Oaks Golf Complex
95821 Sacramento Del Paso Country Club
95822 Sacramento William Land Golf Course
95822 Sacramento Bing Maloney Golf Course
95825 Sacramento Campus Commons Golf Course
95826 Sacramento Cordova Golf Course
95829 Sacramento Wildhawk Golf Club
95829 Sacramento Bradshaw Ranch Golf Course Inc
95829 Sacramento Champions Golf Links
95832 Sacramento Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course
95833 Sacramento Swallows Nest Country Club
95837 Sacramento Teal Bend Golf Course
95843 Antelope Antelope Green Golf Course
95901 Marysville Peach Tree Golf & Country Club
95903 Beale Afb Coyote Run Golf Course
95912 Arbuckle Arbuckle Golf Club
95928 Chico Butte Creek Country Club
95928 Chico Canyon Oaks Country Club
95937 Dunnigan Campers Inn Golf Course
95945 Grass Valley Nevada County Country Club
95946 Penn Valley Lake Wildwood Golf Course
95949 Grass Valley Alta Sierra Country Club
95954 Magalia Paradise Pines Golf Course
95961 Olivehurst Plumas Lake Golf & Country Club
95965 Oroville Table Mountain Golf Course
95966 Oroville Lake Oroville Golf & Country Club
95969 Paradise The Tuscan Ridge Club
95973 Chico Bidwell Park Golf Course
95982 Sutter Southridge Golf Club
96001 Redding Allens Golf Course
96001 Redding River Bend Golf & Country Club
96002 Redding Tucker Oaks Golf Course
96002 Redding Riverview Golf & Country Club
96002 Redding Churn Creek Golf Course
96003 Redding Gold Hills Golf Club
96003 Redding Lake Redding Golf Course
96003 Redding The Golf Club Tierra Oaks
96020 Chester Lake Almanor West Golf Course
96021 Corning Sevillano Links
96028 Fall River Mills Fall River Valley Golf & Country Club
96057 McCloud McCloud Golf Club
96067 Mount Shasta Mount Shasta Resort
96080 Red Bluff Wilcox Oaks Golf Club
96093 Weaverville Trinity Alps Golf Course
96094 Weed Weed Golf Course
96094 Weed Lake Shastina Golf Resort
96103 Blairsden Feather River Park Resort
96103 Blairsden Plumas Pines Golf Resort
96103 Graeagle Graeagle Meadows Golf Course
96106 Clio Whitehawk Ranch Golf Club
96106 Clio Nakoma Golf Resort
96116 Likely Likely Place RV Resort & Golf
96122 Portola Grizzly Ranch Golf Club
96130 Susanville Diamond Mountain Golf Club
96134 Tulelake Indian Camp Golf Course
96137 Lake Almanor Bailey Creek Golf Course
96137 Westwood Lake Almanor Country Club
96143 Kings Beach Old Brockway Golf Club
96145 Tahoe City Tahoe City Golf Course
96146 Olympic Valley Resort at Squaw Creek
96150 South Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe Golf Course
96150 South Lake Tahoe Tahoe Paradise Golf Course
96161 Truckee The Timilick Club
96161 Truckee Lahontan Golf Club
96161 Truckee Martis Camp Club
96161 Truckee Coyote Moon Golf Course
96161 Truckee Tahoe Donner Golf Club
96161 Truckee Northstar-at-Tahoe Resort Golf Course
96161 Truckee Old Greenwood Golf Course
96161 Truckee The Golf Club at Grays Crossing