Golfreisen: Ohio

Buckeye State

Politisch unzuverlässig.


Ohio gehört zu den sog. Swing States, d. h. es ist politisch zwischen Republikanern und Demokraten hart umkämpft; mal gewinnen die, mal die anderen die Vorwahlen und schicken dann achtzehn Wahlmänner zur Präsidentschaftwahl.  Mit 18 Wahlmänner-Stimmen hat Ohio neben Florida den größten Einfluss aller Swing States und auch bei den US Präsidenten war Ohio bislang gemeinsam mit Virginia äußerst erfolgreich. Aus beiden Staaten kamen bislang je acht US Präsidenten. Warum die so erfolgreich bei den Wahlen sind, weiß niemand so genbau.

Ebenso wenig weiß man, warum Ohio den Beinamen: Buckeye State – Buckeye tree = Ohio-Rosskastanie – trägt. Sicher geht den Name Ohio auf den Begriff „Großer Fluss“ aus der Sprache der Irokesen zurück, die vor der Zeit der Besiedelung durch die Europäer im heutigen Staat New York lebten. Als die „Weißen“ eintrafen und mit der Kolonisation Nord-Amerikas begannen, beanspruchten die Irokesen das Gebiet des heutigen Ohio, wo damals aber verschiedene andere Indianerstämme lebten, darunter die Miami, Wyandot, Shawnee, Lenni Lenape, Ottawa und Erie.

Hier in Ohio wie auch in anderen Gebieten Nordamerikas, besonders an den Grenzen zum heutigen Kanada, baute Frankreich an Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts ein System von Handelsposten auf, um den Handel zwischen Europäern und Indianern zu entwickeln und zu kontrollieren. Mitte des Jahrhundert, 1754, brach der Franzosen- und Indianerkrieg zwischen Großbritannien und Frankreich aus, in dessen Folge der Pariser Frieden geschlossen wurde und Frankreich 1763 die Kontrolle über das heutige Ohio an die Briten abtreten musste.

Der Staat Ohio bekam dann im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg wieder eine bedeutende Rolle. Viele Bürger aus Ohio gingen als Freiwillig in die Unionsarmee, vermutlich fielen über 35 tsd. von ihnen und die wichtigsten Generäle der Union, Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman und Philip Sheridan stammten alle aus Ohio.

Heute ist Ohio einer der führenden Standorte des Maschinenbaus der USA. Zur industriellen Produktion gehören außerdem Transportmittel, Metallverarbeitung, Maschinen, Werkzeuge, Gummiprodukte, Nahrungsmittel und Elektrogeräte.

Als Teil des Corn Belts spielt die Agrarwirtschaft eine große Rolle. Die landwirtschaftliche Produktion umfasst Sojabohnen, Milchprodukte, Mais, Tomaten, Schlachtvieh (Schweine, Rinder), Geflügel und Eier. Am Eriesee wird kommerzieller Fischfang betrieben.

Mit über 2.500 Seen und 72.000 Flusskilometern, wegen seiner abwechslungsreichen Landschaft, seiner Erholungsgebiete und historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten, vor allem archäologische Stätten – Ausgrabungen von indianischen Siedlungen und Grabstätten,  gehört  der Tourismus zunehmend zu den Wachstumsbranchen.

Seit 2010 und dem damals aufkommenden Fracking-Boom, der Gewinnung von Gas und Öl aus tiefliegenden Schieferschichten, profitiert Ohio wie auch North Dakota von dieser wirtschaftlich äußerst erfolgreichen, umweltspezifisch aber höchst fragwürdigen Technologie.


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USA - North CarolinaUnsere Community sucht alles, was einen Golfurlaub in Ohio zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden lässt.

Wer also Informationen zu Ohio, zu den Golfplätzen, Hotels oder Tipps aller Art hat, schickt sie bitte zu uns. Am besten gleich hier per E-Mail an OnGolf.

Wenn nur jede Golferin bzw. jeder Golfer uns einen kleinen Beitrag schickt, dann sind das in Kürze hunderttausende. Und die Fülle an Informationen rund um unseren schönen Sport und rund um die ganze Welt wäre damit bereits unschlagbar und von gigantischem Nutzen für jeden von uns.

Ein winziger Aufwand also für den einzelnen, riesiger Nutzen für alle. Also, bitte mitmachen.

Mit etwa fünfhundert Golfclubs ist Ohio bezogen auf die Bevölkerungsgröße hervorragend abgedeckt. Golferinnen und Golfer werden also überall im Staate Golfplätze, aber selten überfüllte Fairways antreffen. Ohio zählt allein sechs der größten bzw. der bedeutendsten Golfclubs in den USA, wobei der Muirfield Village Club nochmal ein ganz besonderer ist.



Postleitzahl Ort GolfclubPlaying Reise
43001 Pataskala Willow Run Golf Course
43001 Alexandria Saint Albans Golf Course
43004 Blacklick Jefferson Golf & Country Club
43009 Cable Woodland Golf Course Cable
43011 Centerburg Table Rock Golf Club
43015 Delaware Oakhaven Golf Club
43015 Delaware Delaware Golf Club
43015 Delaware Glen Ross Golf Club
43015 Delaware Hidden Valley Golf Course
43017 Dublin Muirfield Village Golf Club
43017 Dublin Country Club at Muirfield Village
43017 Dublin Riviera Golf Club
43017 Dublin Tartan Fields Golf Club
43019 Fredericktown Hidden Holes Golf Club
43021 Galena Royal American Links
43021 Galena Arrowhead Lakes Golf Course
43021 Galena Blackhawk Golf Club
43022 Gambier Tomahawk Hollow Golf Club
43023 Granville Raccoon International Golf Club
43023 Granville Granville Golf Course
43025 Hebron Harbor Hills Country Club
43026 Hilliard Heritage Golf Club
43028 Howard Apple Valley Golf Course
43031 Johnstown Clover Valley Golf Club
43031 Johnstown Hillcrest Golf Course
43031 Johnstown Kyber Run Golf Course
43031 Johnstown The Links at Echo Springs
43035 Lewis Center Little Bear Golf Club
43040 Marysville Marysville Golf Club
43040 Marysville Buckridge Golf Course
43040 Marysville Darby Creek Golf Course
43040 Marysville Rolling Meadows Golf Club
43040 Marysville Timberview Golf Club
43040 Marysville Blues Creek Golf Course
43050 Mount Vernon Chapel Hill Golf Course
43050 Mount Vernon Mt Vernon Country Club
43050 Mount Vernon Hiawatha Running Water Golf Course
43050 Mount Vernon Irish Hills Golf Course
43054 New Albany New Albany Country Club
43054 New Albany New Albany Links Golf Club
43054 New Albany Tartan East Golf Course
43055 Newark Moundbuilders Country Club
43056 Newark Burning Tree Golf Course
43061 Ostrander Mill Creek Golf Club
43062 Pataskala Broadview Golf Course
43062 Pataskala Cumberland Trail Golf Club
43062 Pataskala High Lands Golf Club
43065 Powell Wedgewood Golf & Country Club
43065 Powell Safari Golf Club
43065 Powell Scioto Reserve Golf & Athletic Club
43065 Powell Shamrock Golf Club
43065 Powell Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club
43068 Reynoldsburg Blacklick Woods Metro Golf Course
43072 Saint Paris Lakeland Golf Course Saint Paris
43074 Sunbury Northstar Golf Club
43074 Sunbury Rattlesnake Ridge Golf Club
43074 Sunbury Sunbury Golf Club
43074 Sunbury Bent Tree Golf Club
43074 Sunbury Big Walnut Golf Course
43076 Thornville Country View Golf Club
43078 Urbana Urbana Country Club
43081 Westerville Little Turtle Golf Club
43082 Westerville The Lakes Golf & Country Club
43103 Ashville Upper Lansdowne Golf Links
43103 Ashville Cooks Creek Golf Club
43110 Canal Winchester Westchester Golf Course
43112 Carroll Pine Hill Golf Course
43113 Circleville Pickaway Country Club
43119 Galloway Mentel Memorial Golf Course at Bolton Field
43119 Galloway Thorn Apple Country Club
43123 Grove City Oakhurst Country Club
43123 Grove City Pinnacle Golf Club
43123 Grove City Hickory Hills Golf Club Grove City
43123 Grove City The Phoenix Golf Links
43125 Groveport Homestead Springs Golf Course
43125 Groveport The Landings at Rickenbacker Golf Club
43125 Groveport The Links at Groveport
43130 Lancaster Valley View Club, Inc.
43130 Lancaster Lancaster Country Club
43137 Lockbourne Foxfire Golf Club
43138 Logan Brass Ring Golf Club
43143 Mount Sterling Deer Creek State Park Golf Course
43146 Orient Split Rock Golf Club
43147 Pickerington Turnberry Golf Course
43149 Rockbridge Windy Hills Golf Course
43155 Sugar Grove Hide-A-Way Hills Club
43162 West Jefferson National Road Golf Course
43164 Williamsport Crown Hill Golf Club
43213 Columbus Columbus Country Club
43213 Columbus Eagle Eye Golf Course
43219 Columbus Airport Golf Course
43221 Columbus Ohio State Univ. Golf Club
43221 Columbus Scioto Country Club
43224 Columbus Champions of Columbus Golf Course
43224 Columbus Bridgeview Golf Course – The First Tee of Columbus
43228 Columbus Wilson Road Golf Course
43228 Columbus Raymond Memorial Golf Course
43230 Gahanna Gahanna Municipal Golf Course
43231 Columbus Minerva Lake Golf Club
43232 Columbus Walnut Hill Golf Course
43235 Columbus Brookside Golf & Country Club
43235 Columbus Worthington Hills Country Club
43235 Columbus York Golf Club
43302 Marion Marion Country Club
43302 Marion Green Acres Golf Course
43311 Bellefontaine Cherokee Hills Golf Course Bellefontaie
43311 Bellefontaine Liberty Hills Golf Club
43311 Bellefontaine Tree Links Golf Course
43314 Caledonia Whetstone Golf Club
43323 Harpster Hickory Grove Golf Club
43326 Kenton Veterans Memorial Park Golf Course
43338 Mount Gilead Pine Lakes Golf Club
43351 Upper Sandusky Lincoln Hills Golf Club
43356 Waldo Kings Mill Golf Course Inc
43402 Bowling Green Forrest Creason Golf Course
43402 Bowling Green Riverby Hills Golf Course
43402 Bowling Green Stone Ridge Golf Club
43402 Bowling Green Bowling Green Country Club
43410 Clyde Green Hills Golf Course Clyde
43410 Clyde Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Clyde
43412 Curtice Chippewa Golf Club Curtice
43416 Elmore Sugar Creek Golf Course
43420 Fremont River Cliff
43420 Fremont Fremont Country Club
43420 Fremont Sycamore Hills Golf Club
43440 Marblehead Bay Point Golf Course
43449 Oak Harbor The Oak Harbor Club
43452 Port Clinton Erie Islands Resort
43452 Port Clinton The Islander Golf & Country Club
43456 Put In Bay Saunders Golf Course
43469 Woodville Hidden Hills Golf Club Inc.
43506 Bryan Orchard Hills Country Club
43512 Defiance Saint Mikes Golf Course
43512 Defiance Auglaize Golf Club
43518 Edon Windwood Hollow Golf Course, Inc.
43526 Hicksville Hickory Hills Golf Club Hicksville
43528 Holland Stone Oak Country Club
43537 Maumee Brandywine Country Club Maumee
43545 Napoleon Napoleon Municipal Golf Course
43551 Perrysburg Belmont Country Club
43557 Stryker Riverside Greens Golf Course
43558 Swanton Valleywood Golf Club
43558 Swanton White Pines Golf Course
43560 Sylvania Cottonwood Executive Golf Course
43560 Sylvania Spuyten Duyval Golf Course
43560 Sylvania Highland Meadows Golf Club
43560 Sylvania Sylvania Country Club
43566 Waterville Fallen Timbers Fairways
43567 Wauseon Ironwood Golf Club
43605 Toledo Collins Park Golf Course
43606 Toledo Ottawa Park Golf Course
43611 Toledo Detwiler Park Golf Course
43611 Toledo Bayview Retiree’s Golf Course
43613 Toledo Tamaron Country Club
43614 Toledo Heather Downs Country Club
43614 Toledo South Toledo Golf Club
43614 Toledo Toledo Country Club
43615 Toledo Inverness Club
43616 Oregon Eagles Landing Golf Club
43618 Oregon Maumee Bay Resort
43701 Zanesville Zanesville Country Club
43701 Zanesville Eagle Sticks Golf Club
43701 Zanesville Fullers Fairways
43701 Zanesville Green Valley Golf Club Zanesville
43701 Zanesville Jaycee Golf Course
43723 Byesville Cambridge Country Club
43746 Hopewell Crystal Springs Golf Course
43755 Lore City Salt Fork State Park Golf Course
43756 McConnelsville Morgan County Fairgrounds Golf Course
43773 Quaker City Whiskey Run Golf Course
43812 Coshocton Coshocton Town & Country Club
43812 Coshocton Hilltop Golf Course
43830 Nashport Vista View Golf Club
43830 Nashport Longaberger Golf Club
43845 West Lafayette River Greens Golf Course
43920 East Liverpool East Liverpool Country Club
43920 East Liverpool Turkana Farms Golf Course
43933 Jacobsburg Horseshoe Bend Golf Course
43943 Rayland Fairway Riverlinks Golf Course
43944 Richmond Blackmoor Golf Club
43946 Sardis Fairways Riverside Golf Course
43950 Saint Clairsville Belmont Hills Country Club
43953 Steubenville Steubenville Country Club
43964 Toronto Dyer Country Club
43976 Hopedale Castle Shannon Golf Course
44004 Ashtabula Chapel Hills Golf, Inc.
44004 Ashtabula The Harbor Golf Club
44010 Austinburg Maple Ridge Golf Course
44011 Avon Red Tail Golf Club
44011 Avon Avon Oaks Country Club
44011 Avon Bob-O-Link Golf Course
44012 Avon Lake Sweetbriar Golf Club
44012 Avon Lake Aqua Marine Golf Course
44022 Chagrin Falls Chagrin Valley Country Club
44023 Chagrin Falls Tanglewood National Golf Club
44023 Chagrin Falls Auburn Springs Country Club
44024 Chardon Chardon Lakes Golf Course
44024 Chardon Pleasant Hill Golf Course Chardon
44024 Chardon Sand Ridge Golf Club
44024 Chardon St Denis Golf Course and Party Center
44024 Chardon Legend Lake Golf Course
44026 Chesterland Fowler’s Mill Golf Course
44026 Chesterland Berkshire Hills Golf Club
44028 Columbia Station Columbia Hills Country Club
44028 Columbia Station Creekwood Golf Course
44028 Columbia Station Dorlon Golf Club
44028 Columbia Station Emerald Woods Golf Course
44028 Columbia Station Royal Crest Golf Club, Inc.
44028 Columbia Station Hickory Nut Golf Club
44028 Columbia Station Mallard Creek Golf Course
44030 Conneaut Windy Hill Golf Club & Campground
44035 Elyria Cherry Ridge Golf Club
44035 Elyria Dragon Ranch Golf Club
44035 Elyria Elyria Country Club
44035 Elyria Forest Hills Golf Center
44035 Elyria Spring Valley Golf and Athletic Club
44041 Geneva Geneva On The Lake Municipal Golf Course
44041 Geneva Hemlock Springs Golf Club
44044 Grafton Carlisle Golf Club
44044 Grafton Pine Brook Golf Course
44044 Grafton Royal Oaks Golf Club
44044 Grafton Brentwood Golf Club, Inc.
44046 Huntsburg Rolling Green Golf Club
44047 Jefferson Hickory Grove Golf Course
44050 Lagrange Grey Hawk Golf Club
44053 Lorain Fox Creek Golf & Racquet Club
44057 Madison Powderhorn Golf Course Madison
44057 Madison Erie Shores Golf Course
44057 Madison Thunder Hill Golf Club
44057 Madison Madison Country Club
44060 Mentor Black Brook Golf Course
44062 Middlefield Grandview Golf Club
44065 Newbury Wicked Woods Golf Club
44065 Newbury Punderson Resort Golf Course
44068 North Kingsville Village Green Golf Course
44070 North Olmsted North Olmsted Golf Club
44070 North Olmsted Springvale Golf Club
44074 Oberlin Oberlin Golf Club
44077 Painesville Painesville Country Club
44077 Painesville Quail Hollow Resort & Country Club
44077 Painesville Little Mountain Country Club
44087 Twinsburg Gleneagles Golf Club
44089 Vermilion Vermilion Country Club
44089 Vermilion Willow Creek Golf Club
44092 Wickliffe Pine Ridge Country Club
44092 Wickliffe Green Ridge Golf Course
44092 Wickliffe Airport Greens Golf Club
44094 Willoughby The Kirtland Country Club
44094 Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Golf Course
44094 Willoughby Manakiki Golf Course
44105 Newburgh Heights Washington Golf Learning Center
44111 Cleveland Little Met Golf Course
44116 Rocky River Westwood Country Club
44121 Cleveland Oakwood Club
44121 South Euclid The Mayfield Sandridge Club
44122 Cleveland Canterbury Golf Club, Inc.
44122 Cleveland Shaker Heights Country Club
44122 Highland Hills Highland Park Golf Club
44122 Beachwood Acacia Country Club
44122 Cleveland Beechmont Country Club
44123 Euclid Briardale Greens Golf Course
44124 Pepper Pike Pepper Pike Club
44124 Pepper Pike The Country Club
44126 Fairview Park Big Met Golf Course
44135 Cleveland Mastick Woods Golf Course
44138 Olmsted Falls The Links Golf Club
44139 Solon Grantwood Golf Course
44139 Solon Hawthorne Valley Country Club
44139 Solon Signature of Solon Country Club
44141 Brecksville Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Brecksville
44143 Highland Heights StoneWater Golf Club
44145 Westlake Meadowood Golf Course
44145 Westlake Hilliard Lakes Country Club
44145 Westlake Lakewood Country Club
44146 Bedford Shawnee Hills Golf Course
44146 Walton Hills Astorhurst Country Club
44147 Broadview Heights Seneca Golf Course
44147 Broadview Heights Briarwood Golf Club at Wiltshire
44201 Atwater Oak Grove Golf Course
44202 Aurora Club Walden
44202 Aurora Aurora Golf Club
44202 Aurora Barrington Golf Club
44203 Barberton Barberton Brookside Country Club
44203 Norton Loyal Oak Golf Course
44217 Creston Hawks Nest at Ohio State – ATI
44221 Cuyahoga Falls Brookledge Golf Course
44224 Stow Fox Den Golf Course
44224 Stow Roses Run Country Club
44224 Silver Lake Silver Lake Country Club
44224 Stow Leisure Time Recreation Center
44230 Doylestown Chippewa Golf Club Doylestown
44231 Garrettsville Sugar Bush Golf Club Inc.
44233 Hinckley Valleaire Golf Club
44233 Hinckley Pine Hills Golf Club, Inc.
44233 Hinckley Skyland Golf Course, Inc
44233 Hinckley Hinckley Hills Golf Course
44233 Hinckley Ironwood Golf Course
44236 Hudson Ellsworth Meadows Golf Club
44236 Hudson The Country Club of Hudson
44236 Hudson Lake Forest Country Club
44240 Kent Maplecrest Golf Course
44240 Kent Raccoon Hill Golf Club
44240 Kent Green Hills Golf Course Kent
44240 Kent Sunnyhill Golf & Recreation, Inc.
44240 Kent Twin Lakes Country Club
44241 Streetsboro Boulder Creek Golf Club
44251 Westfield Center Westfield Group Country Club
44256 Medina Bunker Hill Golf Course
44256 Medina Medina Country Club
44256 Medina Weymouth Country Club
44256 Medina Pleasant Valley Country Club
44256 Medina Ridge Top Golf Course, Inc.
44256 Medina Fox Meadow Country Club
44256 Medina Rustic Hills Country Club
44256 Medina Shale Creek Golf Club
44256 Medina Blue Heron Golf Club
44260 Mogadore Mulligan Springs
44260 Mogadore Paradise Lake Golf & Banquet
44260 Mogadore Suffield Springs Golf Club
44264 Peninsula Brandywine Country Club Peninsul
44266 Ravenna Windmill Lakes Golf Club
44266 Ravenna Ravenswood Golf Course
44273 Seville Deerpass Golf Course
44273 Seville Rawiga Country Club
44280 Valley City Cherokee Hills Golf Course Valley City
44286 Richfield Old Pine Golf Course
44286 Richfield Saint Bernard Golf Course
44303 Akron Portage Country Club
44312 Akron Challenge Golf Course at Edwin Shaw Rehab
44312 Akron Chenoweth Golf Course
44313 Akron Valley View Golf Club
44313 Akron Fairlawn Country Club
44314 Akron Mud Run Golf Course
44319 Akron Raymond C. Firestone Golf Course
44319 Akron Firestone Country Club
44319 Akron Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links Inc
44320 Akron J. Edward Good Park Golf Course
44333 Fairlawn Rosemont Country Club
44403 Brookfield Yankee Run Golf Course
44406 Canfield Diamond Back Golf Course
44406 Canfield Kennsington Golf Club
44406 Canfield Tippecanoe Country Club
44408 Columbiana Valley Golf Club
44408 Columbiana Whispering Pines Golf Course
44408 Columbiana Copeland Hills Golf Course
44408 Columbiana Lake Front Golf Course
44408 Columbiana The Links at Firestone Farms
44410 Cortland Walnut Run Golf Course
44410 Cortland Tamer Win Golf & Country Club
44410 Cortland Ash Hills Golf Course
44412 Diamond Highgrove Golf Course
44420 Girard Mahoning Country Club
44425 Hubbard Deer Creek Golf Course
44425 Hubbard Doughton Golf Course
44425 Hubbard Pine Lakes Golf Club
44428 Kinsman Bronzewood Golf Course
44429 Lake Milton Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course
44429 Lake Milton Lakeside Golf Course Lake Milton
44432 Lisbon Beaver Creek Meadows Golf Course
44432 Lisbon Beaver Creek Par-3 Golf Course
44436 Lowellville Knoll Run Golf Course
44436 Lowellville Bedford Trails Golf Course
44441 Negley East Palestine Country Club
44444 Newton Falls Westgate Golf Center
44444 Newton Falls Riverview Golf Course, Inc.
44449 North Benton Sebring Country Club
44460 Salem Flying B Golf Course
44460 Salem Salem Golf Club
44460 Salem Salem Hills Golf & Country Club
44473 Vienna Candywood Golf Course
44473 Vienna Vienna Short Holes Golf Course
44473 Vienna Squaw Creek Country Club
44473 Vienna Hidden Oaks Golf Course
44483 Warren Northwood Golf Course
44483 Warren Cranberry Hills Golf Course Warren
44483 Warren Trumbull Country Club
44484 Warren Avalon Lakes Golf, Inc.
44505 Youngstown Youngstown Country Club
44505 Youngstown Henry Stambaugh Golf Course
44509 Youngstown Metro Parks Par-3 Golf Course
44512 Boardman Mill Creek Park Golf Course
44514 Poland Reserve Run Golf Course
44514 Poland The Lake Club
44601 Alliance Alliance Country Club
44601 Alliance Tannenhauf Golf Club, Inc.
44612 Bolivar Wilkshire Golf Course
44614 Canal Fulton Lyons Den Golf Course
44615 Carrollton Carroll Meadows Golf Course
44622 Dover Union Country Club
44622 Dover Zoar Village Golf Course
44626 East Sparta Spring Valley Golf Course
44632 Hartville Congress Lake Club
44632 Hartville Sable Creek Golf Course
44646 Massillon Rolling Green Golf Course
44646 Massillon Shady Hollow Country Club
44646 Massillon The Legends of Massillon
44654 Millersburg Fire Ridge Golf Course
44654 Millersburg Black Diamond Golf Course
44657 Minerva Edgewater Golf Course
44657 Minerva Great Trail Golf Course
44663 New Philadelphia Oak Shadows Golf Club
44663 New Philadelphia Green Valley Golf Club New Philadelphia
44666 North Lawrence Elms Country Club
44667 Orrville Riceland Golf Course
44667 Orrville The Pines Golf Club
44669 Paris Pleasant View Golf Club, Inc.
44675 Sherrodsville Atwood Lake Resort Golf Course
44681 Sugarcreek Willandale Golf Club
44685 Uniontown Mayfair Country Club
44685 Uniontown Ohio Prestwick Country Club
44685 Uniontown Raintree Country Club
44691 Wooster Wooster Country Club
44705 Canton Skyland Pines Golf Club
44705 Canton The First Tee of Canton
44708 Canton Brookside Country Club
44708 Canton Tam O’Shanter Golf Course
44714 Canton Meadowlake Golf and Swim, Inc.
44718 Canton Glenmoor Country Club
44720 North Canton Fairways of North Canton
44720 North Canton The Sanctuary
44721 Canton Edgewood Golf Club
44730 East Canton Clearview Golf Course
44730 Canton The Quarry Golf Club
44805 Ashland Brookside Golf Course
44805 Ashland Country Club of Ashland
44811 Bellevue Twin Lakes Golf Course
44813 Bellville Deer Ridge Golf Club
44813 Bellville Little Apple Golf Course
44820 Bucyrus New Winchester Golf Course
44820 Bucyrus River Oaks Golf Course
44827 Crestline Valley View Golf Course Crestline
44830 Fostoria Fostoria Country Club
44830 Fostoria Lakeland Golf Course Fostoria
44830 Fostoria Loudon Meadows Golf Course
44833 Galion Galion Country Club
44839 Huron Sawmill Creek Golf Club & Resort
44839 Huron Keys Golf Course
44839 Huron Thunderbird Hills Golf Course
44840 Jeromesville Mohican Hills Golf Course
44841 Kansas Nature Trails Golf Course
44854 New Washington Cranberry Hills Golf Course New Washington
44857 Norwalk Norwalk Sycamore Hills Golf Course
44857 Norwalk Eagle Creek Golf Club
44859 Nova Rolling Acres Golf Course
44864 Perrysville Pleasant Hill Golf Course Perrysville
44870 Sandusky Mills Creek Golf Course
44870 Sandusky Wosusickett Golf Course
44870 Sandusky Plum Brook Country Club
44875 Shelby Shelby Country Club
44883 Tiffin Mohawk Golf Club
44883 Tiffin Seneca Hills Golf Course
44890 Willard Willard Golf Club
44903 Mansfield Oaktree Golf Club
44904 Lexington Pebble Creek Golf Club
44905 Mansfield Coolridge Golf Course
44906 Mansfield Westbrook Country Club
45002 Cleves Robin’s Nest Par-3 & Driving Range
45002 Cleves Hillview Golf Course
45005 Franklin Clear Creek at The Practice Center
45005 Franklin Franklin Golf Course, Inc.
45011 Hamilton Vista Verde Golf Club
45011 Hamilton Walden Ponds Golf Club
45011 Hamilton Hamilton Elks Golf Club
45013 Hamilton Twin Run Municipal Golf Course
45013 Hamilton Potters Park Golf Course Hamilton
45014 Fairfield Fairfield Golf Club-South Trace
45014 Fairfield Fairfield Greens-North Trace
45030 Harrison Miami Whitewater Forest Golf Course
45030 Harrison Circling Hills Golf Course
45036 Lebanon Warren County Armco Park Golf Course
45036 Lebanon Greentree Golf Club
45036 Lebanon Shaker Run Golf Club
45036 Lebanon Harmon Golf Club
45039 Maineville TPC River’s Bend
45040 Mason Crooked Tree Golf Course
45040 Mason Golf Center at Kings Island
45040 Mason The Heritage Club
45041 Miamitown Miami View Golf Club
45042 Middletown Browns Run Country Club
45042 Middletown Weatherwax Golf Course
45042 Middletown Wildwood Golf Club
45044 Middletown Forest Hills Country Club
45044 Middletown Four Bridges Country Club
45044 Middletown Green Crest Golf Course
45052 North Bend Shawnee Lookout Golf Course
45052 North Bend Aston Oaks Golf Club
45056 Oxford Oxford Country Club
45056 Oxford Hueston Woods State Park Golf Course
45056 Oxford Indian Ridge Golf Club
45066 Springboro Heatherwoode Golf Club
45066 Springboro Sycamore Creek Country Club
45068 Waynesville Holly Hills Golf Club
45069 West Chester Wetherington Golf & Country Club
45069 West Chester Beckett Ridge Golf Club
45102 Amelia Lindale Golf Club
45103 Batavia Cedar Trace Golf Club
45103 Batavia Elks Run Golf Club
45103 Batavia Stonelick Hills Golf Course
45106 Bethel Colonial Pines Golf Club
45106 Bethel Taylor-Glen Golf Course
45121 Georgetown Lakewood Golf Course
45122 Goshen Deer Track Golf Course
45123 Greenfield Buckeye Hills Golf Course
45130 Hamersville Friendly Meadows Golf Course
45140 Loveland O’Bannon Creek Golf Club
45140 Loveland Oasis Golf Club & Conference Center
45140 Loveland Eagle’s Nest Golf Course
45140 Loveland Hickory Woods Golf Course
45150 Milford Terrace Park Country Club
45152 Morrow Bel-Wood Country Club
45159 New Vienna Snow Hill Country Club
45171 Sardinia White Oak Golf Course
45177 Wilmington The 797 Elks Golf Club, Inc.
45177 Wilmington Majestic Springs Golf Course
45208 Cincinnati Cincinnati Country Club
45208 Cincinnati Hyde Park Golf & Country Club
45213 Cincinnati The Ridge Club
45215 Cincinnati Wyoming Golf Club
45216 Cincinnati Hartwell Golf Course
45218 Cincinnati Green Hills Golf Course Cincinnati
45226 Cincinnati Reeves Golf Course
45229 Cincinnati Avon Fields Golf Course
45230 Cincinnati California Golf Course
45231 Cincinnati Beech Creek Golf Course
45233 Cincinnati Western Hills Country Club
45233 Cincinnati Woodland Golf Course Cincinnati
45233 Cincinnati Deer Run Country Club
45233 Cincinnati Delhi Hills Par 3
45237 Cincinnati Maketewah Country Club
45238 Cincinnati Dunham Golf Course
45239 Cincinnati Clovernook Country Club
45240 Cincinnati Meadow Links & Golf Academy
45240 Cincinnati The Mill Course
45241 Cincinnati Sharon Woods Golf Course
45241 Cincinnati Blue Ash Golf Course
45243 Cincinnati Kenwood Country Club, Inc.
45243 Cincinnati The Camargo Club
45244 Cincinnati Ivy Hills Country Club
45244 Cincinnati Little Miami Golf Center
45245 Cincinnati Royal Oak Country Club
45245 Cincinnati Legendary Run Golf Club
45246 Cincinnati General Electric Employees Activity Association
45246 Cincinnati Glenview Golf Course
45246 Springdale Golden Tee at Tri-County
45248 Cincinnati Neumann Golf Course
45252 Cincinnati Pebble Creek Golf Course
45255 Cincinnati Coldstream Country Club
45255 Cincinnati The Vineyard Golf Course
45304 Arcanum Beechwood Golf Course
45305 Bellbrook Sugar Valley Golf Club
45315 Clayton Meadowbrook Country Club
45315 Clayton Moss Creek Golf Club
45320 Eaton Eaton Country Club
45324 Fairborn Greene Country Club
45327 Germantown Jamaica Run Golf Course
45331 Greenville White Springs Golf Course
45331 Greenville Greenville Golf Course
45338 Lewisburg Penn Terra Golf Course
45342 Miamisburg Mound Golf Course
45342 Miamisburg Pipestone Golf Course
45344 New Carlisle Sugar Isle Golf Country Club
45356 Piqua Piqua Country Club
45356 Piqua Echo Hills Golf Course
45365 Sidney Moose Country Club
45365 Sidney Shelby Oaks Golf Club
45368 South Charleston National Golf Links
45371 Tipp City Hidden Lake Golf Course
45371 Tipp City Homestead Golf Course
45373 Troy Miami Shores Golf Course
45373 Troy Troy Country Club
45377 Vandalia Cassel Hills Golf Course
45380 Versailles Stillwater Valley Golf Club
45385 Xenia WGC Golf Course
45385 Xenia Country Club of the North
45385 Xenia Sebastian Hills Golf Club
45406 Dayton Miami Valley Golf Club
45409 Dayton Community Golf Center
45414 Dayton Kittyhawk Golf Center
45415 Dayton Hara Greens
45418 Dayton Madden Golf Center
45419 Dayton Dayton Country Club
45429 Dayton Moraine Country Club
45429 Kettering NCR Country Club
45431 Beavercreek Beavercreek Golf Club
45432 Dayton Walnut Grove Country Club
45433 Wright Patterson Afb Prairie Trace Golf Club
45433 Wright Patterson Afb Twin Base Golf Club
45440 Dayton Rollandia Golf Center
45458 Centerville The Golf Club at Yankee Trace
45502 Springfield Mitchell Hills Club Inc
45502 Springfield Locust Hills Golf Club
45503 Springfield Northwood Hills Country Club
45503 Springfield Windy Knoll Golf Club
45504 Springfield Snyder Park Golf Course
45504 Springfield Springfield Country Club
45505 Springfield Reid Memorial Park Golf Course
45601 Chillicothe Chillicothe Jaycees Golf Course
45601 Chillicothe Dogwood Hills Golf Course
45601 Chillicothe Running Fox Golf Course
45601 Chillicothe The Chillicothe Country Club
45612 Bainbridge Valley Vista Golf Course Bainbridge
45630 Friendship Shawnee State Park Golf Resort
45631 Gallipolis Cliffside Golf Club
45638 Ironton Ironton Country Club
45640 Jackson Fair Greens Country Club
45652 Mc Dermott Elks Country Club
45690 Waverly Waverly Golf Club
45693 West Union Adams County Country Club
45694 Wheelersburg Little Scioto Golf
45701 Athens Ohio University Golf Course
45701 Athens Athens Country Club
45714 Belpre Oxbow Golf & Country Club
45715 Beverly Lakeside Golf Course Beverly
45750 Marietta Marietta Country Club
45769 Pomeroy Pine Hills Golf Course
45801 Lima Hawthorne Hills Country Club
45801 Lima Springbrook Golf Course
45801 Lima Hidden Creek Golf Club
45804 Lima Lost Creek Country Club
45805 Lima Shawnee Country Club
45807 Lima Tamarac Golf Club
45814 Arlington Sycamore Springs Golf Course
45817 Bluffton Bluffton Golf Club
45822 Celina Mercer County Elks Golf Club
45822 Celina Northmoor Golf Club
45822 Celina Fox’s Den Golf Course
45833 Delphos Delphos Country Club
45840 Findlay Wayside Golf Course
45840 Findlay Red Hawk Run Golf Course
45840 Findlay Findlay Country Club
45840 Findlay Hillcrest Golf Club
45850 Harrod Colonial Golfers Club
45865 Minster Arrowhead Golf Club
45872 North Baltimore Birch Run Golf Club
45875 Ottawa Country Acres Golf Club, Inc.
45875 Ottawa Pike Run Golf Club
45891 Van Wert Willow Bend Country Club
45891 Van Wert Hickory Sticks Golf Club
45895 Wapakoneta Wapakoneta Country Club
45896 Waynesfield Prairie View Golf Club